To a beginner, Andover spin classes and cycling classes may seem like the same thing, but there are some significant differences that, when considered, can help you choose the right class for you!
Spin Classes
Spinning uses the same muscles as road biking. However, the weight of the flywheel ( 14-18kg) increases the number of pedal strokes per minute, forcing the hamstrings to work harder. Cycling: Cycling uses all the major lower-body muscles – the glutes, hamstrings, quads, shins and calves.
Cycling Classes
Cycling uses all the major lower-body muscles – the glutes, hamstrings, quads, shins, and calves.
Basically, SPINNING is a trademarked term used by Mad Dogg Athletics that requires specific training and licensing. At LOCOFIT Studio we don’t offer “Spin Classes” but we do offer Cycling Classes that offer all the same benefits!
Cycling can be used all over and incorporate different themed rides, like hills and drills, rhythm cycle, cycle circuit or cycle HIIT, add upper body movements, dance movements, and even resistance bands or hand weights.
Get started Today
Try our new student special: First Month Only $79 to start transforming your life in our various cycle classes on the schedule.